Meat – Dried or Cured meat
Drying and curing of meats products such as meat, fish and vegetables, is a method of preservation by the addition of salt, with the aim of drawing moisture out of the food by the process of osmosis. Because curing increases the solute concentration in the food and hence decreases its water potential, the food becomes inhospitable for the microbe growth that causes food spoilage. Many curing processes also involve smoking, spicing, cooking, or the addition of combinations of sugar, nitrate, and nitrite. These product include Beef Jerky, Biltong, Chorizo, Salami, Bacon
The process in itself is a natural way to extend the shelf life of meat, but the addition of shelf life solutions such as those created by Mondilor allows for adjustments in the final product moisture levels, and improves product stability, texture, colour and yield. Below is a list of Mondilor products developed for the extension of shelf life of cured or dried meat products.